Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office has comprehended the client’s need and expectations in the best manner and with its deep legal knowledge and experience, effective service concept and organizational effectiveness, has adopted to present them the most accurate and appropriate solutions as principle.




Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office intents to render the most effective service to the people who need legal assistance in criminal law who are from every section of the society, being aware of that the justice and human dignity is the most basic human right. Our Law Office, within the scope of this objective, aims to fulfill its duties of advocacy and attorneyship in criminal law cases in the best manner. For this purpose, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, both with its young and dynamic and experienced team, has been rendering the fastest, secure and result-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its domestic or foreign real and legal person clients.
Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its young, dynamic and academic staff, considering the client and human source as the most precious active, besides providing the efficient legal support to its clients every time and under any condition and its different and value creating legal solutions in every field of criminal law, took the road with the objective of being a leading , respectful law office in Turkey which considers the justice above everything, and aims at making academic study and publications in this field as well as raising new colleagues.
Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, considering criminal actions’ specific properties and their social and psychological effects on the parties of the case, is showing ultimate attention to every law file. Within this framework, acting with the awareness of that; the most important point herein is the human dignity and honor and the protection of presumption of innocence, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, conforms to basic ethical principles and principle of honesty both in its professional and academic activities.


As the social relations have been getting complicated increasingly, the criminal law, today, has drawn apart from other areas and become a branch of law which is divided into various branches within its own scope, requiring a different expertise. As a result of developing technology, liveliness of economic life, prediction of legislations relevant with special areas and regulation of penal provisions which are specific for that area almost in all legislations, independently from general criminal law, various sub- criminal law fields of study have occurred. Primarily the general criminal law, acting in all branches related to criminal law such as ; economic criminal law, financial criminal law, banking criminal law, sports criminal law, medical criminal law, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office renders effective litigation and law consultancy service in all criminal law disputes to its clients.


Hukukun temel dallarından biri olan ceza hukuku diğer hukuk dallarına nazaran çok daha ağır yaptırımlar öngördüğünden ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Gerçekten, gerek gerçek gerekse tüzel kişilerin cezai bir uyuşmazlığın tarafı olmaları halinde ortaya çıkacak sonuç, doğrudan kişilerin en temel hukuki değerleri üzerinde olacağından, bu tip uyuşmazlıklarda bu alana has hukuki uzmanlığın son derece büyük bir önemi bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca tazminat davaları ve diğer özel hukuk davalarının sonuçları, çok büyük oranda bu ceza davalarının sonuçlarına bağlı olduğu için ceza hukuku alanındaki uyuşmazlıkların profesyonel olarak takibi, aynı olaya ilişkin diğer hukuk davalarının da olumlu sonuçlanması noktasında son derece önemlidir.  Tüm bunların sonucu olarak, Sarıtaş & Algan Avukatlık Bürosu ceza hukuku alanında uzmanlaşarak, uygulamada görmüş olduğu çok çeşitli ceza uyuşmazlıklarını başarı ile sonuçlandırması, mesleki tecrübenin yanı sıra bu alandaki akademik çalışmaları ve Türkiye’nin önde gelen akademisyenleriyle geliştirdiği profesyonel işbirliği ile müvekkillerine ceza soruşturma ve kovuşturma aşamalarında titiz, dinamik ve sonuç odaklı profesyonel bir hukuki hizmet sunmaktadır.

Söz konusu bu çalışma prensibi çerçevesinde Sarıtaş & Algan Avukatlık Bürosu özellikle aşağıdaki suç tiplerine ilişkin soruşturma ve kovuşturmaların her aşamasında müvekkillerine etkin hukuki danışmanlık ve süreç takibi hizmeti sunmaktadır:

  • Taksirle Öldürme Suçu
  • Taksirle Yaralama Suçu
  • Organ ve Doku Ticareti Suçları
  • Şantaj Suçu
  • Cinsel Dokunulmazlığa Karşı Suçlar
  • Kişiyi Hürriyetinden Yoksun Kılma Suçu
  • Konut Dokunulmazlığının İhlali Suçu
  • Ayrımcılık Suçu
  • Hakaret Suçu
  • Yağma Suçu
  • Mala Zarar Verme Suçu
  • Uyuşturucu veya Uyarıcı Madde İmal ve Ticareti Suçu
  • Kullanmak için Uyuşturucu veya Uyarıcı Madde Satın Alma, Kabul Etme veya Bulundurma Suçu
  • Resmi Belgede Sahtecilik Suçu
  • Özel Belgede Sahtecilik Suçu
  • Suç İşlemek Amacıyla Örgüt Kurma Suçu
  • Çocuğun Kaçırılması ve Alıkonulması Suçu
  • Zimmet Suçu
  • İrtikap Suçu
  • Rüşvet Suçu
  • Görevi Kötüye Kullanma Suçu
  • Görevi Yaptırmamak için Direnme Suçu
  • İftira Suçu
riminal law, one of the basic branches of law, set forth much heavier sanctions compared to other law branches, thus it has a particular importance. In fact, as the consequence to occur if both the real and legal persons become the party of the criminal dispute shall be over the persons’ most basic legal values directly, in such type of disputes, the specific expertise in that area is extremely important. Besides, the consequences of actions for damages and other private law actions depend on the conclusions of these actions substantially, professional follow up of disputes in criminal law area has great importance in relation to positive conclusion of other law cases regarding the same incident. Hence, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, based on its specialization in the field of criminal law and its achievement in various criminal disputes in practice, besides its professional experience, with its academic studies in this area and with its professional cooperation developed with leading academicians of Turkey, has been rendering to its clients particular, dynamic and result-oriented professional law service in criminal investigation and prosecution cases.

Within the scope of aforementioned work principle, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office renders to its clients an effective legal consultancy and litigation service at all stages of investigation and prosecutions related with the types of crimes listed below:

• Killing by gross carelessness
• Reckless injury
• Trading or organs and tissues
• Blackmailing
• Offenses against sexual inviolability
• False imprisonment
• Violation of residence immunity
• Discrimination
• Offense of libel
• Pillaging
• Damage to property

As the economic development has accelerated in our country, economy criminal law has become a law branch which is independent from criminal law, requiring exclusive expertise. In fact, as a result of economic criminal disputes which comprise an important part of criminal disputes today, persons have been facing up serious criminal sanctions. Imprisonment sentences made in criminal cases are followed by actions for damages with higher claims. On the other hand, unfortunately it is a common situation experienced in the practice that; persons who are aggrieved due to the crimes in this field experience a secondary victimization due to wrong or lacking applications in actions relevant with economic criminal law particularly. For this reason, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, within the scope of its academic and professional studies conducted in this area, renders to its clients and effective legal consultancy and litigation service especially at all stages of investigation and prosecutions relevant with the types of crimes listed below:

• Misappropriation
• Simple and aggravated fraud
• Fraudulent and reckless bankruptcy
• Purchase of crime property
• Insurance Crimes
• Offense of collusive tendering and using fraud or trickery
in the fulfillment to execution
• Energy Market Crimes
• Offenses regulated in Commercial Act
• Offenses on the protection of personal data
• Disclosure of trade secret and banking secret
• Offense of laundering of value of assets sourced from crime

In line with the rapid and rooted changes made in banking legislation, due to inaccurate or deficient application of this legislation, today banks have become the party of various legal disputes, and within the scope of harmonization with the legislation, both the banks and the persons who have professional or commercial relations with these institutions need an effective legal support. In this sense, today, it is undoubted that, consultancy and litigation processes for the offenses relevant with area of banking and capital market of which the numbers, intensities and effects have increased considerably require a separate expertise and an rigorous litigation process in compliance with the mentality of this area, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, within the scope of its academic and professional works conducted in this area, has been rendering to its clients an effective legal consultancy and litigation service at all stages of investigation and prosecution regarding banking and capital market offenses.
Tax and customs law, one of the branches of public law, has gained importance due to the complexity of the legislations relevant with these law branches and because of rooted changes made in the laws in recent times particularly. Within the scope of commercial life and relations which have been developing rapidly today, persons are probable to consider themselves as a suspect of accusation in terms of tax evasion and smuggling offenses and the financial crimes born from other criminal laws.

In this sense, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its accumulation of knowledge in various case files which have been followed successfully, professional relationship developed with sectoral experts in technical issues, hereby renders to its clients an effective legal consultancy and litigation service at all stages of investigation and prosecutions regarding tax evasion offenses, smuggling offenses and other crimes born from tax and customs applications.

Today, apart from legal disputes born between individuals, number of legal disputes born between the administration and persons is high with a considerable amount. Particularly, in such disputes which the persons consider the state’s administrative sanction power against them, it is undoubted that; people are imposed by extremely heavy sanctions and these sanctions are much heavier than other legal sanctions.

Within this context, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office; in order to avoid its clients to be imposed by such type of administrative sanctions, in practice, which are defined as tax penalties, customs penalties, fines, shortly administrative penalties, or in order to eliminate such type of administrative sanctions, renders an effective legal consultancy and litigation process particularly in the issues referred below:

• Administrative penalties applied by tax administrations,
• Administrative penalties applied by customs administrations,
• Administrative penalties applied by CAPITAL MARKET BOARD,
• Administrative penalties applied by TFF, TBF, TVF and other institutions,
• Administrative penalties applied by SSI
• Administrative penalties applied by PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY
• Disciplinary punishments applied for officials and
• Legal consultancy and litigation for disciplinary punishments incurred by students

Today, as the use of social media has become very intensive, serious increase is hereby observed in the offenses committed both over printed and visual media, as a matter of fact, to avoid such kinds of actions, primarily in the printed media legislation, various arrangements have been made in this field upon amendments made in other laws. With the amendments made in Turkish Criminal Law for the protection of private live within the harmonization process with European Union standards, the existence of connection between the press, communication and media law is undoubted. On the other hand, making news or various publications with slander and defamation- content, violation of personal right and freedom through television, internet, radio, newspaper, magazine etc. media channels, making falsified news about real and legal persons and entities, giving place to article, comment and photographs without permit and on private life are such problems which are commonly encountered in the daily life. The requirement of legal support in this field is obvious.

Within this context, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its experience acquired from various files which have been followed up and projects which have been conducted so far, has been rendering an effective and result- oriented legal support to its clients particularly for the offenses listed below:

• Offenses on protection of personal data
• Offenses of defamation and slander through media
• Offenses of violation of confidentiality of private life
• Violation of confidentiality of communication

Medical law, which has separated from the other fields of criminal law due to rapid development of medicine, requiring both technical expertise and legal knowledge, has an important position today. Particularly, inclusion of physicians into a penal process within the scope of physician and patient relation brings along cases for the compensation of damages born from the treatment procedures and surgical interventions applied on the patient by the physician as well as the disciplinary punishments set forth by professional organizations. On the other hand, patients’ non- awareness of their rights lead various victimization. Hence, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office , primarily the malpractice, with its specialization acquired due to the litigations on offenses which may be committed by health sector members, disciplinary investigations which the physicians are exposed to and various previous cases being followed, renders an effective and result- oriented service to its clients.
Considering the fact that criminal disputes have been increasing today and rate of conviction has been also increasing accordingly, persons’ legal support requirement for the fulfillment of finalized criminal and security measures have increased as well. Under the consideration of various and successive amendments have been made in the legislation, today, special and technical knowledge is highly necessary for issues of execution such as release on probation, probation, postponement of execution, separation to open penitentiary institution. In this sense, as regards this law branch which is important in terms of application of the legislation and making necessary legal applications, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its experience acquired from recent various files and projects, renders an effective and result-oriented legal support to its clients.
As the industrialization has been increasing gradually, today, considering its adverse effects on the environment, special crimes and misdemeanors have been established for the protection of the environment. Consequently, various industrial organizations may be exposed to administrative sanctions born from inaccurate assessments in relation with the environment, whereas these institutions’ authorities may be imposed by criminal investigation and prosecutions. At this point, as regards the environmental applications, besides legal knowledge, considering that technical specialty is extremely important in this respect, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, besides technical and legal experience acquired from various cases in this area, along with its professional cooperation developed with Turkey’s leading environmental experts, renders an effective and result-oriented legal support to its clients at all stages of investigation and prosecution of the offenses listed below:
• Deliberate environmental contamination
• Reckless environmental contamination
• Zoning pollution
• Forestry crimes
• Irradiation
• Offenses on hazardous substances

  • Çevrenin Kasten Kirletilmesi Suçu
  • Çevrenin Taksirle Kirletilmesi Suçu
  • İmar Kirliliğine Neden Olunması Suçu
  • Orman Suçları
  • Radyasyon Yayma
  • Tehlikeli Maddelere İlişkin Suçlar
As children attend criminal processes as “subject”, it is beyond any doubt that; besides specialty in criminal law, efficient knowledge is necessary in infant criminology and judicial pedagogy. Protecting the child’ s interest primarily as the most sensitive and defenseless section of the society is victimized due to being subject to accusation or any crime thereof, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its experience and knowledge accumulation acquired in the basis of various law files and academic studies conducted so far as well as with its professional collaboration developed with forensic pedagogy experts, has been rendering an effective legal consultancy and litigation service to his clients at all states of investigation and prosecution on juvenile delinquency.
Although various regulations have been aimed to be made through rather disciplinary law or general criminal law in legal sense in the field of sports, this attempt has been considered unsatisfactory and Law No. 6222 on Avoidance of Violence and Disorder in Sports has been enacted accordingly. Criminal and administrative criminal provisions in this law both include heavy sanctions and lead heavy results in terms of sportive actions, therefore, a legal support is hereby necessary which requires specialty for the organization of sportive actions. Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its expert and experienced staff in this field of activity, renders to its clients an effective and result-oriented legal consultancy and litigation service in criminal and administrative processes relevant with sports penal law applications and on the crimes of rigged game and incentive pay, penetration of prohibited substances into playfields and deterioration of game order and other types of offenses, as well as sanctions to be applied on the foregoing crimes, and particularly prohibition from watching the game and other special security measures or administrative sanctions.
Accusations have become a very common problem not in local level only but in an increasing manner under the globalizing word conditions, as well as a common fact at international level. Accordingly, various people may be subject to investigation or prosecutions initiated in countries which they are not the citizen of. In such investigations, about the suspect of defendants, various actions are made in our country as well which may create various consequences, and as these procedures are generally conducted in the absence of the defendant in accordance with the relevant country’s applicable legislation, no effective legal litigation may be processed. For this reason, in the legal processes conducted in Turkey, necessary litigation should be accomplished effectively within the scope of European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgments, other international conventions and internal law regulations. At this point, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, with its experienced team in this field of activity, renders consultancy and litigation services to its clients in international judicial assistance, international arrest procedures, transfer of jurisdiction, transfer of execution and other issues in the field of international criminal application.

Today, in parallel with the existence of the biggest consequences of technologic developments in information technology, a significant amount of increase has been observed in informatics offenses or in the offenses committed through informatics systems. Besides, various new types of crimes have been established in this field which resulted in a very complex normative order. As the acts made in this field are very fast and difficult to be noticed, their effects and damages are high, victimization may occur anytime, perpetrators generally commit these offenses over any other person’s data processing systems and for this reason persons who are in fact not relevant with accusations may become suspect; the relevant lawsuit process becomes extremely important. Considering that besides legal knowledge the technical specialty is also very important for informatics applications, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, based on its deep and rooted experience and knowledge acquired from various law cases in this field and with the professional cooperation developed with Turkey’s leading forensic information technology experts, renders to its clients legal consultancy and litigation service particularly at all investigation and prosecution stages of the offenses listed below:
• Crime of access into informatics systems
• Crime of obstruction, deterioration of informatics system, elimination or change of data
• Misuse of bank or credit cards
• Fraud by using informatics systems, bank and loan institutions as a tool
• Theft through informatics systems
Today, besides the complexity and comprehensiveness of the armed forces legislation, being dominant only on Military Criminal Law is not satisfactory to solve military disputes, in this sense if military disputes are transferred to criminal procedure; then more comprehensive and elaborate support will become necessary. On the other hand, recently, along with the amendments made in Military Criminal Code, various legal disputes may arise out in practice within the scope of legal relations between Turkish Criminal Code and this law. In this sense, Sarıtaş & Algan Law Office, along with the technical support received from expert academicians in this area, and with its experience gained from various cases which remained in the agenda mostly, renders an effective consultancy and litigation service to its customers at all investigation and prosecution stages conducted in relation with military criminal disputes.


Suçun Yapısında Hareketin Konusu

Ceza Muhakemesinde Kanun Yoluna Başvuru Hakkı

Türk Ceza Hukuku Bibliyografyası
Suç İşlemek Amacıyla Örgütlenme Suçları
Organ ve Doku Ticaret Suçları
Normların ve Suçların İçtimaı Açısından Bilişim Suçları
Şahsi Cezasızlık Sebeplerinin Maddi Şartlarında Hata

Cezalandırılmayan Önceki Hareketler

İcbar Suretiyle İrtikap Suçu (TCK m.250/1)
Ceza Muhakemesinde Sanığın Yokluğunda Duruşma

Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Kredi Dolandırıcılığının Diğer Suçlardan Ayrılması

Toplumsal Norm ve Ceza Yaptırımının Doğası Üzerine
Provokatif Meşru Savunma

Hayasızca Hareketler Suçu

Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Soruşturmanın Canlandırılması (CMK m.172/f.2-3)
Elkoymanın Hukuki Sonuçları Bağlamında Elkonulan Eşya ve Diğer Malvarlığı Değerlerinin Teslimi ve İadesi

Hırsızlık Suçunda Suçun Konusu ile İlgili Nitelikli Haller

Masumiyet Karinesinden Yararlanma ve Aklanma Hakkı Açısından Ceza Muhakemesinde Düşme Kararına İlişkin Bazı Meseleler
Hükümözlü Tutukluluk Uygulaması ve Yeniden Yargılama Sırasında Kişinin Hukuki Statüsünün Değerlendirilmesi

Biyogüvenlik Kanununa Aykırı Olarak GDO ve Ürünlerinin İthali, İmali veya Çevreye Serbest Bırakılması Suçu (5977 s. K. m. 15/1)

Sağlıklı Çevrede Yaşama Hakkı Bağlamında Öneryıldız v. Türkiye Başvurusunun Değerlendirilmesi
Fatullayev Azerbaycan Davası Işığında Adil Yargılanma Hakkı
Banka İtibarının Zedelenmesi Suçu
Avrupa Birliğine Uyum Sürecinde Türk Ceza ve Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Organize Suçlara İlişkin Düzenlemeler
Türk Ceza Hukukunda Tüzel Kişiler
5271 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanununda Mala Zarar Verme Suçu


Sarıtaş & Algan Law Firm , besides the importance it attaches to its professional activities, aims to be a school in terms of qualified professional development and to contribute to the training of young lawyers in this context.

Our Office, which sees intern lawyers and students as a “trust” in terms of training the legal system, applies legal internship and summer internship programs within a certain systematic for this purpose and aims to provide a qualified professional development within the framework of its unique system.

Young colleagues and fellow students who want to start their professional career at Sarıtaş & Algan Law Firm and meet these criteria are required to send a detailed CV to


Abide-i Hürriyet Caddesi No:158 Şişli / İstanbul

Tel:  +90 212 644 53 73 (pbx: 133)

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